postcard to Justine Greening |
Now except you've been living under a rock, you'd know that our current government is obsessed with Austerity. This has spread to our fundamental services. The NHS, PIP (formerly DLA) & now, Our Schools.
The government says these cuts are necessary . We are the 5th largest economy in the world and so I really don't understand how it is justifiable to cut our safety nets.
If you haven't visited the Schools Cuts website yet please do, I find that when numbers are made personal, they make a larger impact. For me, these cuts equate to my son's school losing 3 teachers. We are already seeing the consequences of these cuts in our schools.
Here are the figures for The Isle of Wight as a whole:
It's only going to get worse. We as parents have to speak up, It is our responsibility to advocate for the voices of tomorrow. Our education system is at risk from these cuts. I cannot overstate the need to snap out of the apathy that often accompanies modern living.
Join the campaign. Sign the petition.
Why? because our schools matter, our voices matter and most importantly our children matter.
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