Back in November 2017, I wrote about how I was on a quest to cure me of this hell I was living . The Crippling pain, Heavy bleeding & the low moods had made my life hell for decades. I wrote about how scared I was about undergoing a general anaesthetic . I neglected to write about how that felt so I will soon including the healing process. I will update this post once I do that. Anyway I had a laparoscopy where my surgeon was able to cut away the "longest adhesions he's ever seen" and he also inserted a Mirena IUD to see if that helped my symptoms. He had a look into my womb and he didn't find any endometriosis. The Mirena was not the right solution for me. I bled everyday from November to March. I had other side effects too not to mention my body effectively crashing at the end of March. When I had my follow up with the gynaecologist, He agreed it wasn't working although my periods were lighter, there was no point if I got no break from the bleedin...