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Showing posts from June, 2017

Time to Be

Time to Be. Since becoming a mum and admitting I very much LOVE my time alone, I crave , I mean absolutely crave the time & space to do as I please. No shoving MY priorities on the back burner, in order to ensure the kids, the cat, the fish & the house are sorted. I nag my hubby about prioritising his self care. I don't think he knows how. I'm guessing we aren't brought up to demand that for ourselves. So we deal & deal & deal until we can't anymore. That's what happened to me Winter 2011. I basically couldn't get out of bed one Sunday morning. My body had had enough. I had used the disease of perfectionism to eviscerate my soul until my body just had enough. Cautionary tale folks. Don't let it get to that stage. That was the beginning of my metamorphosis. It's not easy turning into the beautiful butterfly that you are. Growing hurts. It hurts a lot. Once you admit you need something to change, you keep go...

HI, I'm new here!

Hi!  I guess I should introduce myself. I'm lucy and as far as I can remember, I've ALWAYS been a memory capturer. I'm a writer and a photographer. I have this innate need to ensure I have seen things and have a record of them so I don't forget.  I adore Nature in all forms (well except snakes & wasps) and I enjoy being in nature, capturing what I see. This is probably why I mostly do landscape photography. I enjoy taking photos of my family too. This comprises of my rockstar husband - M, my cheeky boys - E & L , my cute cat - Charlie & my beautiful betta called Blake.  This is not my first foray into the world of blogging, I used to run a lifestyle blog for 6 years previously. I really enjoyed having my little space in the huge World Wide Web. However, the more commercially successful it became the less I enjoyed it.  I decided to wrap up after we made our change to island living. Now I've decided not to ignore that writing itch, I also kno...