Happy New Year! What a year 2020 was. I’m hoping that the last year's relentlessness would reduce and I’ll have more mental space to nurture my writing this year. I was amazed I managed to do two freelance articles when I was deep in the postpartum phase. That was quite hard on me, but I am self-aware enough to notice why I put myself through that. It’s as though I wanted to remind myself that I could still do it. Knowing that for the next year at least, I will be grappling with my identity once more. So with all the hope of a new year, I am setting the intention to write more and by correlation, make this blog more active! I am also going to journal as regularly as I used to. Since the birth of my daughter, my self care has gone down the pan. I’ll going to be trying to reclaim that. Thank you for coming along!