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Showing posts from July, 2017

IRL: Crafty Catch Up 2017

Well what can I say? My first ever planner meet up was all I thought it would be! I had an absolute ball. I had wanted to come to the last one but being an islander meant it was just too far for me to consider however things changed when this date was announced. 22nd July was only a few days away from our wedding anniversary. We'd planned to spend it at Disneyland Paris so it made perfect sense to do the crafty catch up on the Saturday, and then continue on to France the following day. Serendipity. What I didn't account for was the mania that it would entail. Kids breaking off for summer Friday afternoon, finishing packing, cleaning the house etc , getting the 7am ferry, driving to Kent, etc on the Saturday. As I arrived, I saw the beautifully laid out Lydd Community Hall. In the hallway was the table plan, I was on table 3... I met great people! I was reminded that all kinds of people love crafts, I was inspired by their creativity Specifically the mummy/daugh...

Poem: The Hamster Wheel

I've been on a hamster wheel lately.   One foot in front of the other is the only way to be.  Stop & smell the flowers is the advice I'm given,  can't you see? I'm trying, I'm trying. There are boxes to be chequed, i 's to be dotted, T's to be crossed.  Who's going to do it if it ain't me!?  Live simply Live happily  I repeat to myself,  The melodrama & the rhythmic chanting takes over  "Live simply  Live happily " Can't you see?  I'm trying, I'm trying  Let me off, I want to get off.  I'm not a hamster, I don't need the wheel. These two feet will take me as far as I want to go.  I don't live simply - though I try..  but I certainly live happily.  Happily,  putting one feet in front of the other.  Breathe. Stop. Think REPEAT. 

Summer Carnival - The Mardi Gras

It's been nearly a month since our group "The Equals Friendship Group IOW" took part in the Mardi Gras parade held in our town. I have been wanting to write about my experience since that Saturday however, life got in the way (more about that later). The Equals group are made up of different women from different countries, I guess you could say we are a multicultural bunch. I haven't been part of it for long. In fact, I was at work minding my business when one of my mates asked if i'd like to help with the costumes for the carnival. Me being me agreed. Suddenly, I was actually part of the procession... standing in a hall wearing a bin bag trying to prevent Evostick getting on my 'Les Mis' tee whilst a photographer from the local press took our photo for the paper supplement. I mean, WHAT?! That was just the prep though. Saturday itself came along and as i walked unto the field where we were all meeting, I was so excited to see different parts of o...